The climate crisis is undeniably to blame for the recent heatwaves across Europe and the USA scientist claim. These events would have been virtually impossible without global warming driven by the burning of fossil fuels. Scientists agree that the recent heatwave in China was made 50 times more likely by the climate crisis.
i) Fire danger forecast 28/7/23 (Source: Copernicus, ECMWF/FWI & BBC) ii) Before & After photographs of property in Greece (Credit Getty images & BBC) iii) Wildfires across Greece (Source: Nasa FIRMS data, 26/723 & BBC)
The need to cut emissions is more urgent than ever!
The WWA warns that these events, which were once rare, have now become more frequent. If global warming reaches 2 degrees C above the pre-industrial period, which was before large-scale fossil fuel burning by humans, these events are now projected to occur every 2-5 years.
Hottest July Ever!!!
Climate Action is needed! It has been reported that the 1st week in July 2023 was the Earth's hottest on record due to climate change. The average global temperature on July 7th was 17.24C, this is a 0.3C above the previous high in 2016. Sea surface temperatures are also on the rise and a low level of sea ice covering the Antarctic has been reported.
The UN Secretary General António Guterres warns us that “We are on highway to climate hell”. He states that if "Greenhouse gas emissions keep growing, global temperatures keep rising, then our planet is fast approaching the tipping point that will make climate chaos irreversible. We are on a highway to climate hell with our foot still on the accelerator!"
Heatwaves & Heat Domes
Heatwaves are becoming more prolonged and intense and they can be attributed to "heat domes,". These heat domes are areas of high pressure that trap and push down hot air, leading to soaring temperatures over extensive regions. One theory links the slowdown of the jet stream to higher Arctic temperatures, which have warmed more than four times the global average, contributing to the likelihood of heat domes.

Source BBC
Climate Crisis & Extreme Rainfall
The warming climate is also causing more extreme rain events. As the atmosphere becomes warmer, it can hold more moisture, resulting in increased droplets and heavier rainfall, sometimes concentrated in a shorter timeframe and over smaller areas.
In 2022, Pakistan experienced its wettest July and August on record, leading to devastating floods that affected over 33 million people. The WWA suggests that climate change likely played a role. Similarly, other regions, such as West Africa between May and October 2022 and New Zealand in February 2023, experienced extreme rainfall and flooding, which align with the changes scientists anticipate in a warming world, even though a direct link to climate change cannot be conclusively established.

Source BBC
How Can We Lower Our C02 To Combat Climate Change?
By lowering carbon emissions and by reducing our use of oil based plastics can make a difference. If you are a manufacturer and currently use oil based plastics you can now make an easy switch to a more sustainable material in production, Floreon is a plant based alternative to oil based plastic with no compromises on performance, our sustainable alternative will help you reduce your carbon footprint by up to seven times

The Floreon Story
We are an award winning materials technology company at the forefront of building a sustainable future. Our vision is to replace non-renewable plastic produced from fossil fuels with a plant based, low carbon alternative.
For over 10 years we have developed Floreon and have released 3 successful material grades suitable for all applications.
Benefits of Floreon
Floreon is a plant based bioplastic (PLA), derived from crops such as corn and sugar cane, making it a renewable alternative to oil based plastic with the added features of:
Up to 7 x LOWER C02e
10 x tougher & less brittle
Recyclable & Compostable
Switch materials with NO CHANGE in your current production methods
Ordering Floreon materials has never been easier
We have teamed up with #knowde, a material marketplace. You can now easily order samples for your project from https://www.knowde.com/stores/floreon and also download any technical data on your chosen Floreon grade.
Get in Touch
If you're interested in significantly reducing the carbon footprint of your products please get in touch with us here: https://www.floreon.com/contact
For further information on this press release, please contact our communications consultant, Alison Evans, by email alison@floreon.com
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